Sisters of Saint Anne
St. Marie Province
St. Marie Province
Cardinal Sean O’Malley, of the Boston Archdiocese, has proclaimed this year as “The Year of the Eucharist…As Catholics, it is in the Eucharist that we learn our identity…it is in the Eucharist that we discover who we are here, and what is our mission as disciples of Christ.” (Cardinal’s Letter on the Eucharist, December 10, 2019)
What an opportunity for us to deepen, too, our appreciation for the Eucharist so near and dear to the Sisters of St. Anne foundress, Blessed Marie-Anne Blondin, who often stated: “May the Eucharist and submission to God’s will be our heaven on earth.” (Mother Marie Anne, Spiritual testimony, January 1, 1890, C & R p. 28)